
 Media is informative, fast and powerful. It holds greater potential to advance the kingdom of God. We believe it is God-given powerful tools to disciple nations. Therefore we are blessed to take the advantages of using media to advance His kingdom. Below are some of the projects where our hands are on.

​Trial shoot

Docudrama (ongoing)

I am working on Docudrama based on a true story that took place in the Northeastern frontier of India during the WWI. In this docudrama, I want to convey a message to the world that "no one wants a war but peace and respect".

It was in 1917-1919 when the British war council ordered thousands of men from India to go to France and fight against their rival, the Germans. One particular tribe stood against the mighty British to stand for their rights. Because the order was against their belief and tradition. They approached the authorities to resolve the issue in a peaceful manner by presenting a gift, a "Mithun and a gong" along with cash. Their gifts carry a message of "We don't want a war but a lasting relationship". It was the highest form of conflict resolution in their culture.  However the authorities failed to understand their good intention and treated them with disrespect and contempt.  As a result, it ended up in a bloody war lasted for three years causing many lives.

Missing Mang

I met a lady called Pushpa who was cheated, abused and sold in the brothel in Mumbai. She screamed, shout and cried for help in the deaden room but no one to rescue her. She ended up in the flesh trade not by choice but against her will. After a couple of years, an outreach team from the Salvation Army met her and led her to Jesus. She was later rescued and became a missionary among those women who were trapped in the flesh trade. My wife and I met her and worked with her for a couple of years. We encouraged her if we could make a documentary film based on her life. But unfortunately, during this process, Pushpa passed away. The movie was made after her death. 


a scene from Missing Movie

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